At Pharmacy Plus your health is our priority, we provide many services to our valued customers. You’re Good Health and satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us. We pride ourselves on providing you with the highest quality pharmaceuticals and non-prescription items you know and trust.

We offer:
• Prescriptions expertly filled
• We Dispense Compounding Prescriptions
• Flavor Medications
• Diabetic supplies
• Durable Medical Equipment for Sale, or Rent
• A full line of Vitamins Kosher
• Complete Line of Health and Beauty Products
• Greeting Cards for All Occasions
• Gift Items
• Free Delivery of prescription in the local area

At Pharmacy Plus we offer a large selection of over the counter products such as cold, flu and allergy relief medications, skin care and wound care products, buffered aspirin, acetaminophen, and so much more.

Our business hours are Sun: 10:00-4:00 Mon-Thurs: 9:00-9:00 Fri: 9:00-2:30 (Summer: 5:00) Motsei Shabbos winter: 7:00-10:00

“Choose your pharmacist as carefully as you choose your physician!” At Pharmacy Plus, we know our primary purpose is to provide you with the highest quality pharmaceuticals and non-prescription items you know and trust…Our professionally trained staff thrives on giving you the best care possible. Our service is second to none when it comes to prompt, professional, courteous attention. Our pharmacists will personally work with you and your doctor to better understand your health concerns so that you can achieve the most benefit from your medications. At Pharmacy Plus we’re much more than just a pharmacy.
We fill prescriptions promptly and accurately and offer P.C.C.A. Medicine Compounding, as well as generic equivalents whenever available.